Day 1 Mindset Series - Identifying & Managing Triggers

Written by Brenda Kennison

Identifying & Managing Triggers

At Day 1 of Sobriety, we maintain that “It’s day one every day.” With this mindset, each new day is approached with the courage, desire, and drive necessary to succeed. Another example of a Day 1 Mindset is living your life offensively. Ever hear the saying, “The best defense is a good offense?” The thought is that by being proactive rather than passive, you will get a strategic advantage over your opponent (addiction). It is also known as the strategic offensive principle of war.  You warred to gain your sobriety, now be strategic in keeping it!

External & Internal Triggers

Triggers can be both internal and external. Internal triggers are related to emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, or boredom, while external triggers are related to people, places, and things associated with the past addiction. Although triggers can be classified into subcategories such as people or places, each person needs to explore their specific triggers and create a strategy to manage them.

Offensive Strategy #1: Healthy Coping Skills

Self-awareness is a key part of a Day 1 Mindset.  A strong self-awareness helps you understand the driving force behind your behavior before and after you are faced with a trigger, and this awareness helps you to maintain power and control in your sobriety and not be derailed by the trigger. 
Establishing daily routines of healthy coping skills puts you in an offensive position and helps you guard your sobriety. Research shows that a lack of self-care is one of the leading causes of relapse. That’s why the examples below focus on self-care:
  • Exercise! Don’t love the gym? OK - Find an activity you love doing and do it! 
  • Maintain healthy habits such as drinking water, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough rest
  • Consistent therapy or counseling
  • Join a support group
  • Engage in meditation, breathing or mindfulness activities
  • Spend time with positive people who build you up 
  • Laugh and have fun daily
  • Manage your thoughts 

Offensive Strategy #2: Healthy Thought Life

I began studying the work of Dr. Caroline Leaf in 2011 because I needed to better understand my brain. Many of my own triggers were linked to past trauma and those memories were stored in my brain. I was determined to move forward, but first I needed to deal with the past. Here are some key points I learned:
  • Our lives are the product of all our experiences (from birth to present). Although we can’t change what happened to us, we can change how it impacts us and plays out in our lives.
  • An unmanaged thought life can create a messy mind, which can create a messy brain and messy body. This can contribute to feelings of fear, confusion, sadness, anxiety and overwhelm (potential emotional triggers).
  • We can learn to manage our minds and change our perceptions, and we can change our brain’s response.  It all starts with understanding that we think, feel, and choose millions of times per day.
  • This is called mind-management, and it is one of the most effective ways to build up your resilience towards relapse because it teaches you to focus less on what happened to you, and more on what you can do about it.

It Begins and Ends With You

Identifying and managing triggers is part of your recovery safety plan. If you don’t know what one is or how to make one, refer back to Day 1 Mindset - Establish a Safety Plan. Be brave, be courageous, be sober!

Resources & Templates

Links to assist you in identifying and managing triggers:

Triggers Worksheet (Therapist Aid)

Internal & External Triggers for Substance Abuse

Understanding Emotional Triggers Worksheet

12 Resources for Understanding, Identifying, and Managing Triggers

Dr. Caroline Leaf - Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess Podcast

Episode #453: Is There a Cure for Intrusive Thoughts?


Medical Disclaimer

Day 1 of Sobriety is an education based addiction non-profit aimed at improving the quality of life for people who have or are struggling with addiction. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.

Day 1 Mindset Series — Establish a Safety Plan