The Day One Mindset.

Hope is renewed daily. It is the courage, desire and drive to succeed. Harnessing this mindset daily is a key factor to maintaining a sound mind, overcoming life's challenges and the ability to find success in any area of life.


From the greek word "Sophron" means the presence of a soundness of thought. A sober mind is a sound and well-balanced mind.

About us

Although our founders both struggled with addiction, individual journeys, and their roads to recovery, their restoration stories are extremely different.  If you haven’t read their bios, hop over to the “Our Team” page. You’ll find that both used alcohol to self-medicate the pain in their lives. Tammy struggled with low self-esteem, a teen-age pregnancy, and a broken marriage. Brenda used alcohol to soothe wounds from painful relationships at work home, and from childhood trauma.  Once both women were on a path of recovery, God planted in them separately seeds that would later blossom into Day 1 of Sobriety.  A heart for helping others is firmly rooted in each woman.  Pair this passion with their addiction experience, now both women are committed to walking alongside others in their journey. 

Tammy and Brenda began forming a friendship in 2020. It was through the sharing of their personal testimonies that they began to draw the dots of God’s plan together. In July of 2021, Brenda and Tammy joined together to form a non-profit organization. They began putting together a plan that would make finding addiction help easy, confidential and accessible to all.  Fast forward to today and Day One of Sobriety (D1OS) is actively building a vibrant and diverse online community that can network and provide support for one another.  

There’s so much more to come as funding for D1OS expands.  Work has begun on the Day One of Sobriety YouTube channel and the development of self-paced online courses.  True recovery from addiction comes from renewing the mind and uncovering the root of additive behavior. Their goal is to bring this information to the forefront of the addiction recovery arena.

Hope renews with every sunrise!

Start the healing today.