A sound mind

conquers addiction.

At Day One of Sobriety, we renew our hope with every sunrise for His mercies and grace are new every morning.


Have confidence in a bright future.

Hope and renewal begins every day at D1OS. And you won’t be facing your challenges alone. Join those who have been there, who are there and then, be a friend to those who will soon begin their journey, too.

Activities you can work on together

While our programs encourage you to become independent of your strongholds, we know that recovery requires relationships. We include special opportunities for you to work together, stay accountable and walk in unity.

D1OS Community

Each day is a new opportunity for renewal, relationships and heart recovery through our open and accepting community. Coming soon, you’ll be able to find an online group that closest fits with your story. You will meet people that can directly relate to your personal struggle whether you are a doctor, student, stay at home mom or even an entrepreneur.

On-line Courses

Coming soon, D1OS will offer self-paced informational and educational video classes. These classes will be offered to help aid in supporting anyone affected by addiction of any kind. Each video course will take you step by step by, experienced instructors, through support, sustainability and spiritual and mental growth.

Book Us!

Our founders are available to speak to any size group. The greatest encouragement can come from knowing you aren’t alone in your struggle. Many topics available, but our Day One Mindset & Renewing the Mind are the most popular. Reach out through our contact page.


Where is D1OS located?

Day One of Sobriety is based out of Jubilee Christian church in Brockport, NY.

What are the age requirements to be a part of the programs?

You must be 18 years of age or older to participate and become part of our community.

How much does everything cost?

All of D1OS resources and classes are free. As a non-profit organization we operate entirely on donations.

Do I have to be religious to be apart of this community?

No, you do not need to be any particular religion to join our community. However, we do ask that you respect others’ beliefs through all of your interactions.


Sobriety begins today.

If you are struggling with any kind of addiction, you are not alone. There is no shame in asking for help.

Our founders understand because they have been where you are. Hear Tammy and Brenda talk about the hope that’s just ahead.

Day One of Sobriety founders talk about their journey and the hope for recovery found in D1OS addictions programs.